A Unique Gift? Give the Gift of Singing

One of the most common abilities that people want to develop is their singing. 

It may be that someone just wants to do a better job singing karaoke. Or, it could be that they want to simply sing for themselves – with a greater sense of the beauty of the music they are singing.  Or, it could be that they are in a choir but want to explore singing solos. Singing is a part of our lives – and here is a way to take it forward.

So what is the easiest way to help someone invest in their singing – whether they’re new to singing and already a pro?

Personal Exchanges for Learning Singing

Singdaptive’s teaching of singing is truly unique: your staff member simply shares in a video their goals and questions – and they get a personal video back from a qualified member of our team about  taking their singing forward.

That’s right: personal. Your staff member will have a fun and meaningful time getting to know a qualified teacher who will reveal how they can move ahead. They can also expect to benefit from all of the singing positives:

  • Positive mental health
  • Immune system boost
  • Lower stress
  • Worthwhile relationships

Whoever you get the gift for can upload their video at any time – night or day.  They can also check out their personal responses from us at any time – night or day. This means that they can work on their singing – and with us – whenever they want to.

These personal lessons cost much less than seeing local singing coaches. 

Check out their gift certificates for getting better at singing in terms of 2, 4 and and 12 months.

The Ultimate Guide to Singing Book

One of the most recognized and popular books on singing has been produced by Singdaptive with over 100 contributors.

Sections on vocal technique are by medical professionals and vocal teachers who work in multi-disciplinary teams. But that’s not all: this book takes seriously every part of a singers life: from working with audio gear, getting & keeping gigs, ways to find positive mental strategies and creating music for different genres.

You’ll be impressed by the contributors:  medical experts, grammy award winning producers,  microphone manufactuers, famous songwriters, and more…

Purchase The Ultimate Guide to Singing or any of Singdaptive’s books for singers from their website.

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